13.03 | Full paper submission deadline final postponing: to 31 March 2025 |
05.03 | Full paper submission deadline postponed: |
30.01 | Detailed fees information available here |
"Next-Level Learning: How Emerging Technologies are Reshaping Education?"
The EAEEIE Annual Conference is organized each year by the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE). Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library for publication . The event is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Romania Section Education Chapter .
Previous editions:
The EAEEIE- European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering is a European non-profit organization comprising members from nearly seventy universities across Europe, most of which focus on education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE).
Its mission is to enhance EIE education by promoting the understanding of European education practices, fostering industry collaboration, supporting lifelong learning, facilitating credit transfers in international exchanges, and contributing to scientific and educational research. EAEEIE also works to establish standards for EIE education.
The primary goal of the conference is to connect academic staff, researchers, and professionals in EIE from across Europe and beyond, offering a platform to exchange ideas, share information, and advances in EIE education.
Younger colleagues and students are particularly encouraged to participate, as the conference provides an excellent opportunity to learn about European research, teaching methods and institutional projects.
Participants attending this conference will gain insights into the latest technological advancements and how these tools are transforming educational practices. This knowledge can help educators, researchers, and institutions stay ahead of trends and adopt innovative methods to enhance learning outcomes. The conference provides a platform for professionals, educators, technology experts , and researchers to connect and share their experiences and facilitate collaborations on educational projects or research initiatives, as well as opportunities for mentorship and professional growth.
Participants will share knowledge about real-world applications of emerging technologies through case studies and presentations that will provide actionable insights on how to implement similar technologies in classrooms or institutions, improving engagement, accessibility, and teaching effectiveness. By participating in discussions around emerging trends, attendees can contribute to shaping the future direction of education.Whether it's sharing challenges or collaborating on new approaches, the conference serves as a think tank for evolving educational practices. By fostering connections between higher education institutions and companies at the forefront of emerging technologies in engineering, the event creates a dynamic platform for innovation. These partnerships bridge the gap between academic research and industry application, ensuring that curricula stay aligned with real-world technological advancements.
Authors are welcome to submit their recent results for presentation at the conference. All submissions shall be original, previously unpublished work and not currently under review by other publications. English will be used for all printed material as well as for presentations and discussions. Firstly, please prepare an extended abstract that will be evaluated with respect to its suitability. Then you will be notified about the acceptance and given enough time for submission of your full paper that will be reviewed by members of the Technical Program Committee. Finally, the camera-ready version of accepted papers will be submitted, reflecting the reviewers’ notes and suggestions.
Please submit your Abstract through the conference management system . The one-page Abstract should contain the title of the paper, the contact person, authors and their affiliations, keywords and abstract text - plain text, with recommended extent up to 1800 characters and including the main contributions. There are no strict format requirements. The primary conference subject area or topic to which the paper is most relevant should be quoted. It should be noted that only electronically submitted abstracts in pdf format will be considered. The Abstract will be assessed and you will be notified about the decision.
After acceptance of an Abstract, authors are requested to provide the full paper. Only original research meeting all technical requirements will be included in the proceedings. The required templates are available from the IEEE website and conference website on Microsoft Word A4 (.docx format) . Only electronically submitted papers can be considered.
Full paper submission is available through the Conference Management Tool (CMT) .
Login EAEEIE'2025 CMTPlease log in to be able to submit a contribution, enter or view reviews for the conference .If you have not yet created a user account, please do so now
Submission Guide (.pdf)
Paper Template Microsoft Word A4 (.docx)
Event | Date |
Submission of Abstracts | |
Abstract Notification | |
Full Paper Submission | extended to 31.03.2025 |
Full Paper Notification | |
Camera Ready Paper Submission | 11.05.2025 |
Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
I. Special Topics EAEEIE 2025 |
1. Artificial Intelligence,Immersive technologies used in Enginering Education & Research. Cybersecurity |
2.IoT, Robotics, Gamification, Virtual Labs & PBL, CBL in Engineering Education |
3.E-learning, Mobile learning & Computer-Based Learning, MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).Social media in Engineering Education. |
4.Education & Research activities in cooperation with the industry |
5.Young researchers in Engineering (special session dedicated to Master & PhD students) |
II. General Topics in Education in EIE |
1.Curricula for Global Technical Challenges, European Curriculum design. Quality management & Accreditation in technology-rich environments |
2.Entrepreneurship and Employability skills development |
3.Impact of technologies (use of AI) on students learning & assessment. Plagiarism. Ethics |
4.Development of Soft Skills in Engineering Education |
The conference will take place in Cluj Napoca between Wednesay 18th-Friday 20 thJune 2025.On 21st June participants are invited to an optional visit on Friday - details available soon
Participants from more than 16 countries:Australia,Belgium, Brazil,Bulgaria, Czech Republik, Denmark, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain,Taiwan, UK
Our distinguished keynote speakers will share their knowledge and expertise on the impact of emerging technologies in Engineering Education & Research and Joint European Degree in Engineering.
Honorary ChairVasile Topa - Rector of the Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
General ChairLaura Grindei - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
General Vice-ChairsAndrei Cziker - Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO Dan Doru Micu - Head of Electrotechnics & Measurements Department, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO Calin Munteanu - Director of NUMELEC Research Lab, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
Technical Program Co-ChairsJaromír Hrad - President of EAEEIE Anna Friesel - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Marius Neag - Vice-Chair of IEEE Education Romania Chapter | |
Finance ChairClaudia Pacurar - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
Publication ChairRodica Holonec - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO CMT Submission CommitteeAdrian Bojita, Levente Czumbil - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
Organizing Committee Co-ChairsClaudia Constantinescu, Adina Giurgiuman, Marius Purcar, - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO | |
Local Organizing Committee Sergiu Andreica,Mihaela Cretu,Titus Crisan,Marian Gliga,Angela Lungu,Călin Muresan,Anca Nicu,Laszlo Rapolti,Denisa Stet
| |
Technical Program CommitteeAlexis Polycarpou (Frederick University, CY) Aharon Gero (Technion, Haifa, IL) Anca Constantinescu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Andrei Cziker (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Andrei Ceclan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Andrzej Wac-Włodarczyk (Lublin University of Technology, PL) Anthony E. Ward (University of York, UK) António da Costa (IST - Technical University of Lisbon, PT) Athanasios Krontiris (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, DE) Bogdan Tebrean (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Carlos Ferreira (Coimbra Institute of Engineering, PT) Ciprian Cristea (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Dan Cristian Popa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Dan V. Rafiroiu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Dan M. Iudean (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Dante Barone (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BR) Darius Andriukaitis (Kaunas University of Technology, LT) Denisa Stet (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Dorian Cojocaru (University of Craiova, RO) Dorin Popescu (University of Craiova, RO) Dušan Maga (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ) Elisa Peñalvo López (Universitat Politècnica de València, ES) Fabrice Meriaudeau (University of Burgundy, FR) Fernando Lopes (Coimbra Institute of Engineering, PT) Fernando Pires Maciel Barbosa (University of Porto, PT) Florin Ioan Dragan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Ghanim Putrus (Northumbria University, UK) Georgios Tsirigotis (International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, GR) Gianfranco Chicco (Politecnico di Torino, IT) Giorgos Papadourakis (Hellenic Mediterranean University, Heraklion, GR) Gert Jervan (Tallinn University of Technology, EE) Grigoris Papagiannis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,GR) Hélène Frémont (University of Bordeaux, FR) Helgi Thorbergsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavík, IS) Horia Beleiu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Horia Hedesiu (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO) Ian Grout (University of Limerick, IE) Inácio Fonseca (Coimbra Institute of Engineering, PT) Ismo Hakala (University of Jyväskylä, Kokkola, FI) Jaromír Hrad (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ) Jean-Marc Thiriet (Grenoble Alpes University, Grenoble, FR) Johann A Briffa (University of Malta, MT) Josef Hynek (University of Hradec Kralove, CZ) José Metrolho (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, PT) José-V. Benlloch-Dualde (Universitat Politècnica de València, ES) Juan-Luis Posadas-Yagüe (Universitat Politècnica de València, ES) |
Juan Carlos Burguillo-Rial (University of Vigo, ES) Karl Sölvi Gudmundsson (University of Iceland, IS) Laura Darabant (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO) Laure Petrucci (University Paris 13 and CNRS, FR) Lenka Lhotská (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ) Manuel Valdez (Coimbra Institute of Engineering, PT) Maria João Martins (Military Academy, Lisboa, PT) Marian Poboroniuc (Technical University of Iaşi, RO) Marina Topa (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Marius Purcar (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO) Мarko Hölbl (University of Maribor, SI) Michael Conlon(Technological University Dublin,IRL) Milan Sigmund (Brno University of Technology, CZ) Mihaela Cretu(Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO) Mihai S. Munteanu(Technical University of Cluj Napoca, RO) Mingchao Xia (Dalian Jiaotong University, CN) Nina Bencheva (University of Ruse, BG) Oguzhan Ceylan(Kadir Has University, TR) Olga Timcenko (Aalborg University Copenhagen, DK) Olivier Bonnaud (University of Rennes 1, FR) Ondrej Rysavy (Brno University of Technology, CZ) Ovidiu Pop (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Petr Matoušek (Brno University of Technology, CZ) Petra Poulová (University of Hradec Králové, CZ) Petre Teodosescu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Plamen Zahariev (University of Ruse, BG) Radu A. Munteanu (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Radu Porumb (Universitatea de Stiinte si Tehnologie Politehnica Bucuresti,RO) Renato Rizzo (University of Naples Federico II IT) Rodrigo Picos (University of Balearic Islands, ES) Romul Copindean (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Saba Mylvaganam (University of South-Eastern Norway, NO) Sara Blanc Clavero (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, ES) Septimiu Crisan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Sergey Dubikovsky (Purdue University, US) Simona Vlad (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Stefan Cirstea (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Stephan Bannwarth (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, DE) Susan M. Lord (University of San Diego, US) Tarık Kışla (Ege University, İzmir, TR) Tatjana Welzer (University of Maribor, SI) Telmo Fernandes (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, PT) Theofilos Papadopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR) Titus Crisan(Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RO) Tomáš Zeman (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ) Vicent Lorente (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, ES) |
Information on registration will be available soon
Please note that in all cases banking and transfer costs incurred through payment processing platforms will not be refundable and will be deducted from the refunded amount, if applicable.
UTCN HUB- 4, George Baritiu street,
Cluj Napoca, 400113,Romania
Welcome to Cluj-Napoca, the dynamic capital of Transylvania, which is the most well known region in Romania.We warmly invite you to discover our beautiful city and to experience unforgettable memories together with students and teachers from other European universities. Watch the video (MYGEMPICTURES), showing a day in Cluj-Napoca and envision spending several days in our incredible city.
We are excited to welcome you to EAEEIE'2025, held in the heart of the city center! For the conference, the organisers obtained an exclusive accomodation offer at Grand Hotel Italia. Please check the offer here. . The Welcome dinner will take place in one of the Grand Hotel Italia Restaurants.
Besides Grand Hotel Italia, here is a list of hotels recommended for your stay.
Due to the vibrant atmosphere brought by the Transylvania Film Festival (TIFF), when the city hotels are usually booked, we encourage conference participants to reserve rooms early in advance .
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!